Bertrand Gauguet

Bertrand Gauguet plays alto saxophone in contexts of solo and group improvisation - many festivals in recent years in France and abroad - his approach to the saxophone is involved in research on technical areas of the instrument, whether acoustic or related to amplification - composes electronic music : works with film, dance, visual arts and radio - focuses on learning processes related to sound and music - music and non music - sound as support for meditation - breath - the very relationships that sound and music have with image and body - still learning to play shakuhashi after recent trip to Japan ... Collaborations with : Sophie Agnel & Andrea Neumann ; Franz Hautzinger & Thomas Lehn ; X Brane ; Rhodri Davies & Christoph Schiller ; Andy Guhl & Mike T. Bullock ; Martine Altenburger & Frédéric Blondy ; Xavier Charles ; Pascal Battus ; Insub Meta Orchestra. Meetings with : Tetuzi Akiyama, John Butcher, Eric La Casa, Michel Doneda, Axel Dörner, Isabelle Duthoit, Robin Hayward, Tomas Korber, Urs Leimgruber, Toshimaru Nakamura, Tetsu Saïtoh, Roger Turner and Michaël Vorfeld.

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