Modern Feelings

Modern Feelings is an experimental group led by the Finnish electronic musician Anton Nikkilä. It combines improvised noise-rock/free jazz with a conceptual approach to electronic music. Helsinki's Sähkö Recordings released the debut album by Modern Feelings in late 2014.

The project's shifting lineup has in the past included such luminaries of Finnish underground music as Pekka Airaksinen and Samuli Tanner. The Moscow musicians Olga Nosova and Alexei Borisov, who has become in the past few years probably the best known Russian experimental musician outside of his home country, joined the group in January 2015. While Nikkilä and Borisov are "ingenious dilettantes" with a long musical history stretching back to early 1980s post-punk, the groups's two young multi-instrumentalists Nosova and Henri Nikkilä are formally educated, highly skilled jazz and post-rock improvisers.