Slow Listener

“A long-time purveyor of quality tapes and audio curiosities, Robin Dickinson has been cleverly snapped up by the very good Exotic Pylon records and it’s a good thing too. ‘The Long Rain’ might be the most complete vision he’s come up with to date, as he blends a sensitive ear for decomposing drones (think an atonal William Basinski) with a keen understanding of music concrete and noise. The most marvelous thing about ‘The Long Rain’ is the very character of the sounds, and even in the digital realm it plays like a warped Dictaphone tape with bell sounds warbling and fluttering and crunching percussive sounds coming across like Leatherface’s chains draped around your neck before he drags you into the killing room. We’re probably making it sound much darker than it is, but that’s just the thing – Dickinson has left so much to the listener themselves; the music is at times just low end warbles, radio interference and other-worldly tones, so it depends on our references for those sounds how we actually hear them, and that’s a very good thing indeed. A stunning piece of music, one for fans of Geoff Mullen, PAN or Kevin Drumm – seriously, don’t sleep!” – Boomkat