Tim Hodgkinson

With compositions featured at international festivals such as Tectonics, Huddersfield,  Spectrum XXI, Nordlyd, and Ars Musica, and two sets of works for ensemble out on the  Mode label, TIM HODGKINSON also has a powerful commitment to intense and highly  energised performance practice. For over fifty years he has placed himself in a series of  definitive projects, whether as cofounder of the seminal group Henry Cow, as saxophonist  with influential avant-metal band God, or as bass clarinet soloist in the spectral compositions  of Iancu Dumitrescu. His lap steel guitar playing remains completely uncategorisable,  bringing subdued and not so subdued echoes of rock musics and other ethnicities.

Forthcoming events

Monday 7 April 2025

Konk Pack

Past events