Sunday 25 May 2025, 7.30pm

Photo by Luis Malagon

Baba Yaga's Hut: Graham Reynolds

£20 £18 (SEE Tickets) £16 MEMBERS

Acclaimed composer (A Scanner Darkly, Before Midnight, Hit Man) and musical maverick, Graham Reynolds releases his debut solo album for Fire Records ‘Mountain’ on March 21st

A socio-geographic trip along the sierra in your mind, standout title track ‘Mountain (Part 1)’ is filled with romantic orchestral sweeps conjuring up an image of a vast landscape disrupted by a singular peak, while ‘...Part 2’ takes a more jagged path, traversing an angular ridge before steadying itself into a piece of Hermann-esque Hitchcock.

‘Mt Monadnock’ in New Hampshire is namechecked, while the ‘Enchanted Rock’ (a thunderous Einstürzende Neubauten-like reawakening of the senses played out on Graham’s signature booming orchestral drum) stands just outside of Austin, Texas, Reynolds’ home-base for over 30 years.

‘Mountain’ is America writ large, a soundscape for a big country, a place you can wander adrift, much like the main character in the 1945 Billy Wilder film The Lost Weekend, starring Ray Milland, that’s central to the track of the same name, a theme that’s expanded with classical grandeur and much melancholy, much later on the gorgeous ‘Lost Weekend (Revisited)’ that almost acts as a companion piece to some of Graham’s more familiar film work.