Thursday 30 April 2015, 8pm
Jayne Parker’s films seek equivalences between film and other art forms – between the ways in which film might frame and extend the sounds, sight and movements of music and performance. The film that she has made with John Tilbury, of Samuel Beckett’s … but the clouds … is a recent collaboration, which derives from Beckett’s specific directions for the piece originally written as a play for television in 1976. Parker has also made several films with the cellist Anton Lukoszevieze, which explore his playing of pieces by John Cage, Volker Heyn and Laurence Crane amongst others.
This special concert of music and films at Cafe OTO will include a screening of … but the clouds… followed by a performance of related piano music by John Tilbury, who has recently composed a number of pieces based on late prose works by Samuel Beckett, including Worstward Ho and Stirrings Still. The second half of the programme will include a number of Jayne Parker’s films that feature Anton Lukoszevieze, followed by his performance of related cello music.
CONTACT is a series of screening events, programmed by Andrew Vallance and Simon Payne, presenting a range of filmmakers’ work and connections across different practices and art forms.
Blues in B-flat Jayne Parker (2000) with Anton Lukoszevieze
John Tilbury is renowned for his peerless interpretation of the piano music of Morton Feldman, John Cage, Christian Wolff and Howard Skempton. In addition to the performances and seminal recordings that he has made of these composers’ works, he has been an eloquent advocate of their music in his writing and speaking about them. The same is true of the attention he has paid to the music and ideas of Cornelius Cardew, the subject of his authoritative biography published in 2008, and with whom he played in the legendary improvisation groups the Scratch Orchestra and AMM. In the last ten years John Tilbury has performed a range of plays and prose pieces by Samuel Beckett.
Video by Helen Petts
Jayne Parker first explored film as a sculpture student at Canterbury College of Art (1977–80). Her films have often centred on associative montage incorporating the body, choreography and location. She has also had a long-term interest in therelationship between music and film, the search for a ‘music equivalent’. In connection with her films that feature pianist Katharina Wolpe and cellist Anton Lukoszeviesze, she has said: ‘considering music helps me to think about film structurally’.Parker’s work has been shown internationally in major galleries, festivals and on television. She is Professor in Fine Art and Head of Graduate Fine Art Media at the Slade School of Fine Art.
Descended from a retreating Napoleonic soldier and a Lithuanian noblewoman, Anton Lukoszevieze is a cellist, composer, improviser and multidisciplinary artist. He is also the founder and director of the experimental music group Apartment House, releasing over 40 albums with them.