Sunday 23 June 2024, 7.30pm

Toshimaru Nakamura / Kjell Bjørgeengen (duo) + Rory Salter (solo)

No Longer Available

Toshimaru Nakamura and Kjell Bjørgeengen have each pioneered distinctive methods in music and video making.

Toshimaru Nakamura's instrument is the no-input mixing board, which describes a way of using a standard mixing board as an electronic music instrument, producing sound without any external audio input. The use of the mixing board in this manner is not only innovative in the sounds it can create but, more importantly, in the approach this method of working with the mixer demands.

Meanwhile, Bjørgeengen delves into audio-generated video using the Jones VideoSynth and the Jones Flood Coil—a device that emulates a CRT monitor, capturing the magnetic fallout's debris and converting it into sound.

In their collaborative performances, Nakamura's sound feeds into Bjørgeengen's video synth, influencing oscillators and video processing. The resultant visual output is then transformed back into sound, feeding back into Nakamura's mixer and influencing the local feedback loop.

This dynamic exchange situates Nakamura and Bjørgeengen in a feedback circuit where every move on either side impacts the other, creating a truly precarious situation, akin to navigating the delicate balance of riding the edge of a knife.

The inherent unpredictability of both instruments necessitates an attitude of acceptance and compliance with the system and the resultant audio-visual output, infusing their work with a high level of indeterminacy and surprise.

Rory Salter

Rory Salter is a musician and artist living in London. He has released albums under various projects with Alter, TakuRoku, Infant Tree, Teeth, MAL, Bison, Kashual Plastik and more. His music is formed through experimentations with acoustic & electronic instruments, faulty technologies, cassette tape, feedback and voice; motivated by a relationship to changing and chaotic environments, objects and scores made from walking.