Voices from Green Pines

Aoi Tagami, Li Song, Xiang

Six solo recordings from Aoi Tagami, Li Song and Xiang, three young chinese artists supported and mentored by Zhu Wenbo of Zoomin' Nights to highlight the thriving young experimental scene within China

Li Song, a native of Xi'an, now living in London, uses his laptop to make improvised music and was active in Beijing's experimental/improvised music scene from 2014-2018.

Tokyo-based Aoi Tagami explores songs through the use of her own voice and words. Since 2014 she has been giving performances in diverse locations, from outdoor settings to theatre spaces.

Xiang, sound worker, working with field recordings, electronics, improvisation/composition of objects/body, performance based on aural exploration. She lives in Chengdu.


Released: Zoomin' Night

Released: October 2020

Mastered by Xiang
Designed by Liu Lu