
Crystabel Riley

This is a drum solo about:

1. Life cycles of make-up (decomposing) and rhythm cycles of drums (decomposing);

2. Documentation of materials from a time (pre- June 2020) when colours of skin (Black and Brown) would be left over barely used within the 'aspirational' image making sector;

3. Discontinued make-up (the updated formulation of this skin make-up contains 3 types of silicone) and the
ethics of ingredients changing with time;

4. Time, drum-time and the changing smell of plant based time-responsive make-up;

5. 4D moved to 3D (party poi movements), collapsed to 2D (skins), painted and then reimagined back to 4D (time).


Drums Crystabel Riley
Recorded by Adam Matschulat at Cafe Oto
Mixed by Crystabel Riley
Camera footage layer 1 by Zara Miller and Amy Dickson
Camera and Make-up layer 2 Crystabel Riley

Crystabel Riley

During the late noughties CRYSTABEL RILEY toured Japan and Europe using drums, electronics and make-up in power-noise trio Maria and the Mirrors. This was the start of her interest in patterns on skins — human and drum. An interest in dimensional patterns existing on (and off) different surfaces has continued to evolve through exploring the idea of 'care and uncare' of various skin surfaces. Crystabel has been a long-term collaborator with Sue Lynch who welcomed her into the Horse Improvised Music Club and later played in the London Improvisers Orchestra. She is currently working on the multi-format duo project @xcrswx with Seymour Wright and recently released a split vinyl with Lolina.