grapefruits #08


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5 years grapefruits fanzine & release issue #08 Voice

Grapefruits is a feminist fanzine about composers and sound artists that was founded in 2019 at the institute for music and media at the Robert Schumann University of Music, Cologne

a5, staplebound, published May, 2024

Anna Schütten
Antonia Alessia Virginia Beeskow
Aura Danielle Muñoz Barragán
Elisa Kühnl
Elisa Metz
Friederike Kempter
Helene Heuser
Ines Glowania
Jasmina Al-Qaisi
Laila Grümpel
Lennart Melzer
Mirjam Berg
Simon Waskow
Nathalie Brum
Theresa Nink
Tim Danaher
Vanessa Romotzky