Orgelkonzert Jesuitenkirche 20.11.2013

Hermann Nitsch

1 Satz 1 16:04
2 Satz 2 13:16
3 Satz 3 11:54
4 Satz 4 13:00

"Hermann Nitsch playing the church organ in the Jesuit church of Vienna, November 20th, 2013. Four heavy drone pieces, mastered by Martin Siewert. These four tracks of Nitsch performing solo on organ are made of sustained drones that are soothing and intense. Music is beautiful and meditative, as it slowly evolves and transforms, full trills that shimmer with celestial light and glide slowly into one another in a harmony that's at the opposite of Nitsch's jarring and disturbing Aktion pieces, though with a similar droning minimalism aesthetic."



1. Satz 1 - 16:04 
2. Satz 2 - 13:16 
3. Satz 3 - 11:54 
4. Satz 4 - 13:00