1 | Metalessness | 27:12 |
For Erika.
In memoriam William Thomson, potman, pub pianist who died of TB at 39, the grandfather I never knew.
Text, 'Lessness' by Samuel Beckett
Music by John Tilbury
John Tilbury: voice and clavichord
Recorded & mastered by Shaun Crook
Cover art by Billy Steiger
N.B. The play-back level should be quiet; the text should be comfortably intelligible.
1 - Metalessness [27:12]
John Tilbury is renowned for his peerless interpretation of the piano music of Morton Feldman, John Cage, Christian Wolff and Howard Skempton. In addition to the performances and seminal recordings that he has made of these composers’ works, he has been an eloquent advocate of their music in his writing and speaking about them. The same is true of the attention he has paid to the music and ideas of Cornelius Cardew, the subject of his authoritative biography published in 2008, and with whom he played in the legendary improvisation groups the Scratch Orchestra and AMM. In the last ten years John Tilbury has performed a range of plays and prose pieces by Samuel Beckett.
Video by Helen Petts