1 | шлейф | 3:12 |
'Material circulation with instances of focus on the experienced phenomena of live performance work within architecturally hollowed and barely visible environments — vaguely reminiscent with peripheral situation at the border between the sanitized and a buried complex: unravelled and stripped forms used as tools to prop up a remainder, made from the intersection with a speculative fully-materialized counterpart.
Residue, Trace, Trail. >шлейф.
Looping, Cyclic, Ringing. >Окольцовка.
Ordering, Index, Rank. >Последовательность.
The textures, spatialised loops and synaesthetic hallucinations conjured inside these seven tracks are a manifestation of the next cycle in L’vovna’s sonic forays. These minimal sketches are an exercise in singular ideas standing up on their own, rather than being amongst a crowded room inhabited by electronic music’s familiar tropes such as heavy layering and arrangement. The tone can be at times haunting and at others profoundly beautiful, often in the same moment.
All music by L'vovna
Design by L'vovna and Severin Black
Mastered by Jason Letkiewicz