My Bloody Sex Party vol.1

My Bloody Sex Party

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My Bloody Sex Party is Liu, Shang, Li and Zhuang. Teenagers hailing from Linyi, Shandong province, they formed the band in the summer holidays of 2020, having just finished middle school together. They rehearsed in a disused office space which belonged to a real estate company, recording the album on mobile phone. At the end of the summer, the four classmates went on to different high schools and only meet up in the holidays to record My Bloody Sex Party music.


Liu: acoustic guitar, electric guitar, prepared guitar, voice, banjo, zheng, drill machine …
Zhuang: electric guitar, violin, bowed guitar, acoustic guitar, erhu, veena …
Shang: bass guitar, prepared bass guitar, sanxian …
Li: drums, pipa, zhongruan, calculator


Released: Zoomin' Night

Released December 3, 2020

Mastered by Hiroyuki Ura
Designed by Liu Lu