Stries ton, tripe et poils

Prune Bécheau

1 introduction 1:54
2 tlelel letl 5:49
3 gegze tuliliu 8:04
4 hgjh hgjh 2:31
5 fsui fsui fsui 1:03
6 ui tsk ui 3:38
7 thschjre 2:29
8 zzffk zzffk 10:43

Prune Becheau's 'Tone strains, guts and hair' is full of colorful, expressive and vivid melodies and fresh timbres, mixed with a sense of fun. Becheau's other work in Pancrace and Urs Graf Consort attest to her free sense of experimentation - it's super nice to hear where she takes it solo. 


Prune Bécheau / violon baroque



1. introduction - 01:54 
2. tlelel letl - 05:49 
3. gegze tulilu - 08:04 
4. hgjh hgjh - 02:31 
5. fsiu fsiu fsiu - 01:03 
6. lui tsk ui - 03:38 
7. thschjre - 02:29 
8. zzffk zzffk - 10:43


Enregistré au Tuquet en janvier 2018.

Mastered by Thomas Pujols.

Available as 320k MP3 or 16bit FLAC