Musique Inconcrète


This album by Italian experimental / noise artist Torba (Mauro Diciocia) is the follow-up to "Musica Conventionale" (2019) and marks the second installment in "Le Musiche" trilogy.

"Musique Inconcrète" is a macro cut-up of sound-screens reorganised as quasi-organic narration: Fragments of unfinished compositions, roughly assembled according to a mere aesthetic criteria. Beyond the sporadic use of oscillators and 1/4" tape manipulations, the LP is made out of field recordings collected in the region of Salento in southern Italy. All environmental sounds were captured with a walkman or mobile phones in order to give back the domestic feeling of an abandoned opera. The concept behind the album revolves around the idea of the inconcrète. MD was strongly influenced by the work "Incompiuto - The Birth of a Style" by Italian contemporary art collective Alterazioni Video. They claim that "Incompiuto" (the unfinished) is the only Italian art style of significance in the past 50 years: publicly funded architecture or infrastructure which, for a variety of reasons have had their construction interrupted, leaving behind a series of "ruins in reverse".


Lacquer cut by Andreas Kauffelt.

Ltd x 300 copies with photography by Gabriele Albergo.


Fragment Factory, 2019