30 minutes on earth

Zhu Wenbo

A new project from Zhu Wenbo, of Zoomin' Night Records, where he instructed 8 musicians to record in an outdoor location for 30 minutes. After collecting all of the recordings, he took all the material and layered the tracks together to produce a single 30 minute track.


Music by Zhu Wenbo

Andrew Fedorovitch - alto saxophone
Craig Pedersen - trumpet
Kevin Corcoran - cymbal
Paolo Gàiba Riva - clarinet mouthpiece
Yoko Ikeda - viola
Zhu Songjie - radio
Fangyi Liu - musical saw
Li Song - computer


Released: Zoomin' Night

Text by Zhu Wenbo
English translation by John Wilton
Mastered by Hiroyuki Ura
Design by Liu Lu